Patients shall have the right to file complaints, in relation to healthcare services and to treatment realized as part of cross-border care, at the healthcare provider or at the financing organization thereof. Complaints shall mean requests aimed at extinguishing individual grievances of any rights or interests. Anyone shall be entitled to file complaints to the authorities having competence to decide on the matter at hand. The healthcare provider and the financing organization shall launch an investigation into all complaints filed, and shall inform the patients on the results thereof no later than within 30 business days.
The right to file complaints shall not affect the patients’ right to turn to different bodies in order for their complaints to be investigated as prescribed by law. Detailed rules of investigating complaints shall be set forth in the internal regulations of the healthcare provider.
Complainants shall opt for different channels of legal recourse (below) besides the healthcare provider and its financing organization (
- The Integrated Legal Protection Service (IJSZ) can be contacted in case of questions regarding patients’ rights (in case of any violation of patient rights). The ILPS assist the complainant in finding the patients' rights representative assigned to the healthcare provider at issue, who then will help put together the complaint and to file it through the appropriate channels. The ILPS houses and operates the national bureau of complaints.
- The National Public Health Center (NNK) can be contacted with (primarily medical-professional) service-related issues. The OTH operates a system of specialized physicians in every specialty field. The NNK conducts an official inquest and issues and order then informs the complainant on the result.
- Complainants may file a claim in civil litigation (in a court of law) against the healthcare provider. The court may establish the liability of the institution and may oblige the institution to pay damages.
The Authorities above may also have competence to decide on compensation claims arising out of cross-border care.
If and when you have any questions in relation to the above channels of legal recourse, please be kind to contact the National Contact Point by telephone or via e-mail.