Nemzeti Kapcsolattartó Pont
Alapértelmezett színséma visszaállítása
About the Hungarian Contact Point
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Single Digital Gateway-European Contact Points
Healthcare System in Hungary
Emergency Care in Hungary
Planned Care in Hungary
Patients' Rights
Quality and Safety
Healthcare authorities
Gyakori kérdések
What scale of cross-border healthcare are we talking about?
What about the existing legislation in this area (Regulations on social security)?
What is the added benefit of this legislation?
When would I need prior authorisation from my national authority?
Can this authorisation be refused?
What if I am refused authorisation?
How much will I be reimbursed after receiving a treatment abroad?
Can I seek healthcare abroad if the treatment is not available in my country?
Do I need to pay for cross-border treatment upfront?
Can I transfer my medical data to the Member State where I will be treated?
What should I do if something goes wrong whilst receiving treatment abroad?
How can I be sure that the treatment I received abroad will be followed up properly on my return home?
Your home country has an obligation to ensure that the medical follow-up is of the same quality regardless of where in the EU the treatment took place.
(Source: EU Commission MEMO/11/32.)
Will my prescription be recognised in another EU Member State?
What are the benefits of the networks on Health Technology Assessment (HTA) or eHealth?
Where can I find more information about my rights to healthcare abroad?
Where can I reach the list of the publicly financed healthcare providers?
Who will help me in Hungary to contact the healthcare providers responsible for the medical questions in particular?
From which authority do I need prior authorization?
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weboldal tervezés: IRQ